Christmas Event Volunteers

Christmas Event Volunteers

Hexham Community Partnership

Key information

Places available





Illuminate: a Festival of Flame – Friday 2nd December at Hexham Abbey We need people between 4.30pm and 9.00 pm (but it doesn’t have to be a full shift, even an hour or two would help). Christmas Market – Saturday 10th December at Hexham Abbey (indoor and out) and Market Place We need: Car park stewards (set-up) From 6.00am Event Control – from 9.00am Car park stewards (take-down) From 3.00pm Litter Pickers - From 3.00pm


Communication skills

Event days

Talking with the public

Directing people to cafes, toilets etc..


Communication skills



Community Engagement


Visitor Engagement

Role description

We are looking for volunteers to help us deliver the Illuminate: a Festival of Flame event on Friday 2nd December and the Christmas Market on Saturday 10th December.

The Festival of Flame event has Steward vacancies while the Christmas Market has opportunities for Event Control, Car park Stewards  and Litter Pickers.

Desired Qualities

Helpful, flexible.

How your time will help our organisation

Volunteers help us to deliver our events safely and with the best possible experience for visitors and traders.

Practical Considerations

Dress appropriately for working both inside and outside.