Hexham High Streets Heritage Action Zone

Hexham High Streets Heritage Action Zone

The aim is to revitalise Hexham’s historic town centre making it a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work, invest and visit. ​The Hexham HSHAZ scheme has been developed by Northumberland County Council and key partners and is backed by a wide range of community and business stakeholders. The programme is funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and run by Historic England. The scheme will be managed by Northumberland County Council in partnership with Historic England, Hexham Town Council and Hexham Community Partnership and is supported by a Steering Group comprising representatives from delivery partners. We will deliver a number of workstreams (focusing on community engagement, public realm improvements, a national culturale programme) and a Hexham cultural programme of events.

Key information


Peter Mawer

Senior Programme Officer




County Hall


NE61 2EF

About Hexham High Streets Heritage Action Zone

  1. Deliver improvements that lead to the removal of the ‘at risk’ status of the Conservation Area, including building repairs, increasing custodianship and maintenance of Hexham’s heritage assets for future generations 
  2. Revitalise the HSHAZ area by increasing occupancy, reducing voids & bringing floorspace back into use 
  3. Enhance the physical condition, distinctiveness and attraction of the town centre through improved quality of streetscape & public realm 
  4. Support economic recovery post Covid-19 by encouraging footfall, dwell time and spend in the town centre enhancing long-term sustainability & protecting jobs 
  5. Stimulate and accelerate commercial investment to create economic growth in the town centre  
  6. Engage the local community to shape, participate and deliver plans & activities  
  7. Increase knowledge, interest & appreciation of the town’s heritage & culture 

Hexham High Streets Heritage Action Zone's Listings